We are marching towards herd immunity. Good to see.
"Herd immunity won’t save us from the coronavirus pandemic"
"COVID-19 antibodies may fade in as little as 2 months, study says
Funny thing is, if it's true that antibodies will never be permanent, then these lock downs are fucking retarded. You going to vaccinate the American public every 2 months for the rest of time? Haha, good luck with that.
Herd immunity is our only escape. Everyone knows that. I can show you dozens of sources that suggest that. You would rather focus on your little political agenda and spam the board with it. I don't give a fuck about that. I'm surprised whoever runs this forum allows you to do it honestly.
Herd immunity is not "our only escape". Ever heard of "a cure"?
Someone developing antibodies is the fucking cure you retard. Jesus Christ. You can't really be this stupid, can you?
They are working to create a vaccine... the vaccine would give you artificially created antibodies... that's the fucking cure.
My God, you are spamming this forum and you don't even have a baseline understanding of this shit. Insane.
Currently, no medication is recommended to treat <abbr title="coronavirus disease 2019">COVID-19</abbr>, and no CURE is available. Antibiotics aren't effective against viral infections such as <abbr title="coronavirus disease 2019">COVID-19</abbr>. Researchers are testing a variety of possible treatments.
The <abbr title="U.S. Food and Drug Administration">FDA</abbr> has granted emergency use authorization for the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat severe COVID-19. The U.S. National Institutes of Health recently recommended the corticosteroid dexamethasone for people with severe <abbr title="coronavirus disease 2019">COVID-19</abbr> who require supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation.
So we don't have a cure for the flu, a disease that's been around forever, but you think we're going to magically find one for a similar illness that attacks the same parts of the body?
You really are a retard, do you know that?
So you think all the money, research & effort being put into finding a treatment for C-19 is a waste of time?
Actually there has been some success with it already.
And C-19 isn't the flu. When was the whole world locked down over any flu season? C-19 is a new virus that we are just beginning to learn about. Check back in a few years & see what we've learned.
Enjoy your day.
You think trying to find a mitigating medicine is the same thing as finding a cure? That's fucking retarded.